First grade got to watch an auger in action! We witnessed the hole drilling for our new shade trees! Students asked wonderful questions and were very curious.

Fourth-graders worked in teams to create a graffiti wall as they read their book , "The Circulatory Story". They worked together to find the main idea of their section. Then, they added illustrations and figurative language to go along with their main idea.

Sometimes when you are practicing Reading Horizons skills, shaving cream is the vibe for the day. These students in Mrs. Gilbert's class had the best time getting hands-on with their skills!

Sixth-graders took their learning to the Memphis Zoo. They studied wildlife, dissected some frogs, and made lots of memories!

When students finished reading "Bud, Not Buddy" in Mrs. Malcom's class, they and participated in a Socratic Seminar discussing how Bud transformed throughout the book.

MST has been feeling all the love from our C.I.A. lately! Thank you! Our parents are the best!

Special Delivery!
Fundraiser cookie dough and other items will be at MST ready for pick up on Wednesday, November 1st between 3:30 and 5:30 pm.
Read below for more information.
Thank you to all who participated!

The Book Fair is coming to MST! 😍🤗📚🎶
Click below to access how to set up your child's E-Wallet!

Yesterday, Mrs. Gilbert's class was too bright for drugs with their neon and sunglasses!

Highlights from last week!
Darius Beal from Mrs. Gilbert's class used his MST bucks to buy a coupon to do the pledge. He did a great job with the help of some Marion Patriot Football players. He even ended announcements with a "Go Pats, Beat Sheridan." cheer!
Three flag bearers helped out with the pledge. MST students really are PATRIOTS!
Jace Williams from Ms. Lanes class knows the way to our staff's hearts....This sweetie brought us some treats from his grandma and himself!! Thank you!
We got to celebrate what we accomplished during the 1st 9 weeks, awards assembly style.
And...MST basketball players were at it again! Our guys took 2nd place and our girls were the CHAMPIONS in the 5th & 6th Grade Marion Elementary League!

Special Delivery!
Fundraiser cookie dough and other items will be available for pick-up on Thursday, October 26th from 3:30-5:30.
Read below for more information.

Highlights of the week!
Darius Beal from Mrs. Gilbert's class used his MST bucks to buy a coupon to do the pledge. He did a great job with the help of some Marion Patriot Football players. He even ended announcements with a "Go Pats, Beat Sheridan." cheer!
Three flag bearers helped out with the pledge. MST students really are PATRIOTS!
Jace Williams from Ms. Lanes class knows the way to our staff's hearts....This sweetie brought us some treats from his grandma and himself!! Thank you!
We got to celebrate 1st 9 weeks accomplishments, awards assembly style.
And...MST basketball players were at it again! Our guys took 2nd place and our girls were the CHAMPIONS in the 5th & 6th Grade Marion Elementary League!

Today's awards assemblies were fantastic but we still have two more tomorrow! Can't wait to see the rest of our MST friends and family tomorrow to celebrate our students!

School was back in full swing this week and so are the upcoming events! You will want to take a good look at everything important coming up!
Awards Assemblies start tomorrow.
Red Ribbon Week is next week, Oct. 23-27.
You can also find information below about MST t-shirts as well as fundraiser pick ups.

Greenhouse class is a place for everybody to grow, students and teachers alike!
Students in Ms. Mattox's homeroom invited her to join in with them when they planted tomato seeds during Greenhouse class. Thank you, Ms. Banks, for letting Ms. Mattox join in as a student for the day!

Last week, fourth-graders took a trip to Hijinx and had a blast!
Click the link below to see even more pictures from their awesome field trip!

Book Tasting
Kindergarten kicked off Module 1 of Wit & Wisdom with their very own book tasting. Students transformed into chefs and used their menu to decide which books they were the most excited to read.

Ms. Mattox's class has been exploding with learning and good times! Pictured below are some students reading their summaries about blood vessels from their current reading in Wit & Wisdom, “The Circulatory Story.” Next, it was a selfie kind of day for last week’s lunch crew where they eat lunch together and have convos beyond the lessons!

Our MST Patriots were so excited to cheer on our MJHS and MHS Patriots yesterday during the Homecoming Parade! Good luck tonight, Pats! MST is cheering you on!

It's always a great time when you get to learn in Mrs. Gilbert's class! From students leading routines to taking your math lesson outside, there is definitely some first-grade fun always going on!