MST's First Annual Science Fair

MST recently had their first annual science fair. It was hosted by their 6th grade science teacher, David Skaggs.  Students from 4th, 5th and 6th were encouraged to participate.  They had 28 entries with a variety of exciting topics.  Exhibits had to include a description board, a 5 page paper on their subject using the scientific method, and a demonstration of their findings. MST invited guest judges, Rob Rash, Erin Gordon, Samuel Mensah, Trent Hall, and Jan Thomas to grade them with a provided rubric.  Once the judging was complete, all MST classes got to view the exhibits and get pumped for future fairs. Thank you Mr Skaggs for your role in "Creating The Future" and thank you, students for your hard work and amazing projects!  Winners received STEMtastic prizes and ribbons/trophy for their experiments.  

Winners:              First Place              Second Place              Third Place
4th Grade:          Elijah High               Xavier Gurrero           Katie Russell
5th Grade:          Stephen Welsh        Makaylea Lowery        Landry Southern
6th Grade:          Leland Davis             Asia Tunstall              Hannah Poindexter
Overall Winner:  John Blankenship